Monday, March 28, 2016

30 minutes- Step #2

The journey to personal development is not easy. Nothing that is worth anything in life is ever truly easy. Keep that in mind the entire time you are creating this new lifestyle. Have you ever tried to diet? Well then you know that dieting is NOT easy. Mostly because its temporary. If you can find something for you that changes your lifestyle with eating then you are no longer dieting, you are changing your health and wellness. Same thing goes with personal development. You need to find something small, change that. Then you have the foundation set to start building and changing more things. So what should you change first?

Answer: 30 minutes

Studies show that 30 minutes when you wake up are the most impactful moments of your day and can influence the flow of your entire day. So why not start those 30 minutes with something impactful? For example, if you are religious then you should spend your first 30 minutes with your God. If you are not religious then you should skip that step and spend your first 30 minutes directly in meditation. Giving yourself affirmations for a positive life and day.

So those of you who are religious like me, then after you devote your time to God, move on to the next step and devote some time to yourself through meditation. Many people see meditation as something that foreign religions do and is weird, crazy, bad, or whatever other negative thoughts you have against it. Throw all of that out the window! It is crap. Seriously, don't just take my word for it. Do some research. When you research a subject make sure you find people who are successful and loving life! (that is where you want to be right?) then those are the people you need to listen to. Find out what they think about meditation. Why they think that its important.

Even if you are not trying to be a successful person within business, this step can impact your life at home, your life with family, and your life with friends! Do you want your emotions to rule you or do  you want to rule them? I want to rule my own emotions! (no it is not easy) I have been through a lot, and I don't plan to blast it for everyone on the internet, but just know that no matter what you have been through, the emotions that make you suffer, etc. YOU CAN OVERCOME. Meditation will help you do that. Please, for your own sake. PLEASE give it a try. See if you feel better. See if you feel more at peace. Give yourself the opportunity to heal from your past and anything that rules your mind.

How to meditate: From what I have found, this is the best way for me and I hope it works for you to. I want to help you and make an impact for the better! Keep in mind I am NOT a doctor. I'm not trying to diagnose or treat anything. I'm just trying to help in the way that I was.
What I have found to work is when you go to start meditation, don't overwhelm yourself and think that you have to stay in meditation for the entire 30 minutes. Hell no! That is not easy and that is something for the pros lol. Start with just a couple minutes. Think about peace. Think about one thing that makes you happy. Think about your affirmations. Whatever is easiest for you to focus on. Now here is the tricky part. If you are focusing on something and then start thinking about something else, THAT'S OK! When you notice stray thoughts just turn it back to your initial thought.
For example: if you are thinking about success and wealth, then you start thinking about your grocery list. Take note of what is bothering you and interrupting your meditation and go right back to your thoughts of success and wealth. Tell yourself that you will not let your thoughts consume you. Tell yourself that you are in control.

THIS WILL TAKE TIME! But it will pay off, when you feel like you are ready to move on to the next step then come back for more. I wish you an amazing life full of blessings, wealth, and happiness!

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